Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hey everybody!

Hey everybody, so this is my first blog...hooray! Yeah, that's right...everyday tons of people across the world posts blogs about everything and I thought that I would join in on the craze. So I really, really hope that I can attract people on here to read my'll enjoy getting inside my head. So right now I'm a sophomore at OSU and it's going great, I'm really enjoying it here. But if you want to find out some more about me, go ahead and look at my profile for some more fun facts. One thing that I hope to benefit from this blogging is to possibly get some sort of recognition. You see, I'm an aspiring filmmaker and I'm really trying to get recognized for the work that I've done and for current projects I'm working on. So I'll be posting links to where you can check out my shorts and such. Stay tuned to see some more pretty soon. Peace!